The Associate of Arts (AA) in Social Science is a transfer degree designed for students interested in one or more of the Social Sciences. This multi-disciplinary program provides strong introduction to core Social Sciences and related areas. The highly flexible curriculum benefits from a wide range of courses in American Indian Studies, Anthropology, Economics, Criminal Justice, Geography, History, Homeland Security, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, and Sociology. Students may concentrate their focus in an individual area or choose courses from multiple areas of interest.

The Social Science AA degree at Central Wyoming College is closely aligned with the Social Science distributed major program at the University of Wyoming and is a good choice for students planning to continue study in one or more of the Social Sciences at UW or any other four-year institution. Programs in this major may be tailored to the specific goals of the student in consultation with a program advisor. It is possible to complete the Social Science AA degree program on campus, entirely online, or through a combination of classroom and distance courses.

Specific required courses are selected to complete the Social Science AA online degree. Students must work closely with their advisor to ensure registering for the selected online courses.

Course Number Course Credits
ANTH 1200Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
CRMJ 2120Intro to Criminal Justice3
ECON 1010Macroeconomics3
NAIS 1350American Indians in Contemporary Society3
PSYC 1000General Psychology4
SOC 1000Sociological Principles3
HUMN 2430World Religions3
RELI 2225History of Christianity3
RELI 2320History of Islam3

Student must choose twelve (12) additional credits from the following list:

Course Number Course Credits
HIST XXXXAny History Course0
NAIS XXXXAny Native American and Indigenous Studies Course0
POLS XXXXAny Political Science Course0
PSYC XXXXAny Psychology Courses0
RELI XXXXAny Religion Courses0
ANTH 1300Intro to Archaeology3
CMAP 1200Computer Information Systems3
CRMJ 2100Politics & Judicial Process3
CRMJ 2210Criminal Law3
CRMJ 2350Intro to Corrections3
CRMJ 2400Criminology3
CRMJ 2420Juvenile Justice3
ECON 1020Microeconomics3
GEOG 1000World Regional Geography3
GEOG 1020Intro to Human Geography3
HUMN 2430World Religions3
PHIL 1000Intro to Philosophy3
SOC 1100Social Problems3
STAT 2050Fundamentals of Statistics4
STAT 2070Intro Statistics for the Social Sciences4

Students must complete general education requirements that will provide students a general knowledge to help them complete a degree at CWC.

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
Writing Level II (WR2) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
ARTS 3 credits
HUM (in program)
LSCI 4 credits
MATH 3 credits
ORAL 3 credits
SOC (in program)
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60